The Diary of the Building of a 5" gauge Stirling Single |
The plan to finish the Loco |
I have been told
by a friend the following to complete the loco
1. You need to take the boiler and smoke box off and put them away somewhere until you have the chassis finished and running on air. Done 2. Make sure you have all the frame stretchers in place especially the front bogie stretcher. Fitted with countersunk screws. Do away with the round stretcher you have at the top front of the frames as it should not be there. Done 3. Complete the cylinders including the steam chests, valves and spindles, pistons and piston rods, front and back cylinder covers and glands. Mount the cylinders and bolt them to the frames. Done Fit the drain cocks and arrange a drive for them back to the cab. 4. Then make and fit the slide bars, crossheads and motion plates and connecting rods. With the rods and crossheads in place, you can cut the piston rods to length and fit them to the crossheads with taper pins. The pistons will now operate correctly when the wheels are turned. Done 5. Now look at the valve gear. Start with the weigh shaft with its lifting arms and reversing arm. Then make the hanging links, the expansion links and die blocks, the eccentric straps and eccentric rods. Make and fit the valve extension rods to connect the die blocks to the valve rods at the steam chests. Done 6. You can then make and fit the reverser and set the valve gear in the correct position before sealing up the steam chest covers. Put some air on the cylinders and watch the wheels go round! Done 7. Once the running gear is all complete, make and fit the brake gear and rear steps as the brake shaft hangs on the steps. Fit the steam cylinder if you are having working brakes. 8. THEN find the boiler that you hid away some years earlier and start thinking about boiler fittings and pipework, platework and tender. Bear in mind that the loco in York has the wrong tender with it. There is a plan by the NRM to build a new tender for it, as originally pulled by No.1. This had the leaf springs on the outside of the frames and coal rails on the tank. 9.At this stage you could consider taking your paint samples back to York to compare with the full size loco which will probably have faded between now and then!