20th February 2022

For the loco the job for today is to mark out  two pieces of 3/4"x3/8" steel bar 20 1/4" long and make sue the ends are square.
Also cut the front buffer beam approx 1 1/16" x 1/2" x 7 1/2" and the rear drag bar 1/4" x 3/4" x 7".

The metal as delivered was covered as usual in an oily finish. This was removed using white spirit on the side to be marked.

Then making out blue was applied by paint bush, which it self was cleaned in white spirit.

Using and engineers rule the parts were measured and marked ready for cutting which was delayed as my injured arm in the fall last week had not recovered enough to carry out the operating.

To be marked out and cut are two 1/8" x 3/4" angle to attach to drag beam and two 3/4"x3/4" blocks to attach the front buffer beam.

22nd Feb  2022

I have timber in my workshop which I can use for the formers for making the boiler's flanged plates so I will set to work on that as soon as my band saw is repaired.

23rd Feb 2022

Today I turn my attention to the material required for the Tender. The side frames are being Laser cut So I need to determine the front and rear drag beams, The front beam on the plan says it is 1 1/16" x 3/16" and 7" long. The rear beam on the plan is 1 3/4" x 1/2" and 7 1/2" long. The four horns are being laser cut.

Also today I repaired by band saw where the drive belt kept coming off and was able to cut off a suitable piece of timber to make the boiler flange former. The photo shows the basic initial cuts and it will be taken down to size next time but first clean up the lather !!

24th Feb 2022

Considering the necessary motion plate for the 5" version so extracted and edited the drawings as shown. The overall width is 6 1/4" inches

As you can see even thought I have the casting, the photo shows as supplied there is a lot of work to be carried out to make it usable !!

25th Feb 2022

Today reading up on making the boiler as on Sunday I will be discussing this with club members.

Also ordered 3 new Metal working band saw blades and they should be delivered next week. My Band saw is the Warco Universal with 64 1/2" blades. I used to make up my own but now prefer to buy them !!

Also a lot of time was spent watching YOU-TUBE videos of

Lion - 5"g Miniature Locomotive Steam Engine Build

26th Feb 2022

Added photos to page 1 of this site.  and made up a "viewing saved area" for the YouTube of

Miniature Locomotive Steam Engine Build.

27th Feb 2022

Met up with others at the MMES track and discussed the variation on the flanging of the plate at the front of the fire box and it was agreed it would make a better solution that a but joint.

28th Feb 2022

Silver solder and flux ordered from https://www.cupalloys.co.uk/ so getting prepared for the boiler construction.

I have checked my gas pipe to the flame torch and all is well and I have propane gas.

The Tube plate former was brought to size and a centre location piece made and fitted so nearly ready for the flanging of the tube plate !!

Made an order to Model Engineers Laser Ltd for these parts which were very well cut. 306 Tender Frames
307 Tender horns
308 Loco front horns
309 Loco middle Horns
310 Loco trailing horns
1075 inside frames
1076 Motion plate as I forgot I had a casting !!!
18263 Sole plate
18205 Side plate
18266 Rear plate
1st March 2022

The tube plate was marked out by first linking the corners and then centre popping  and finally drawing a circle to the max size. The disc corners were then cut off in the band saw and then was sanded round and the centre hole  drilled the size of the post on the former.

A top piece was found that will be clamped to the base whilst the bending is carried out. Most likely the metal top will be turned over as the other side is flat !!

As it was raining the disc could not be  annealed so will wait for a better day.

3rd March 2022

Today the flanging of the front tube plate was commenced and after 2 hours of annealing and hammering and more annealing and hammering several time this is the result so far.

It does fit the tube nicely but a little more work to make it fit fully in is required but enough hammering for today and also the former needs to dry out as I did not dry off the plate between hammering !! This resulted in it being very difficult to remove the plate !!

5th March 2022

Created a 1:1 scale drawing of the Front Firebox Shell as the existing drawing was not to scale!!

Cut a suitable piece of MDF to act as a back piece but found that I did not have a pencil compasses  so bought that for delivery tomorrow when I can continue with the preparation.

Purchased a new Jig saw to be able to cut the copper  and also the MDF.

6th March 2022

A trip to MMES to see my mentors. They were pleased with my flanging and said that it could  be finished off in the lathe held in a three jaw chuck and a revolving centre to stop it coming out.

With very gentle cuts the turning was completed and the the sharp inside edge de-burred and out edge had it sharp edge filed off.

The tube plate is a free fit in the boiler barrel and next will be the marking out and drilling of the tube holes.