19th March 2022 Measuring using my new measuring gauge and very easy to use to !! |
The measuring showed
that I needed to take off 1.5mm from top and bottom. The photo
shows the face for the ports milled to size. |
An the other side is
brought to size to the plan's dimension of 2" top face to bottom
face |
To machine the two
shorter ends the setting up was more difficult so I decided to use
an angle block and braced the piece against it |
Before taking the final
cut for that side I checked for squareness to the bed and adjusted
accordingly. It was only a little off so a tap or two with the soft hammer put the right and the final cut was made. It was then turned over end for end and the other end machined to a base level. This is now ready to be marked out for boring !!! |
20th March After a chat with several friends it was the marking out prior to boring the cylinders |
If I thought the maring
out took a long time of double checking the setting up took even
longer and is being left over night so that I can check again
tomorrow. I used a DTI to check that the block was set parallel to the saddle . |
21st March Whilst the setting up shown above was fine I decided to put a piece of paper between each of the metal surfaces to try to ensure no movement. The gibs were also tightened in the saddle so that no lateral movement would take place until the end of the boring of the cylinder. This photo show the first bore with the new boring bare. |
Progress on the second
bore |
To ensure that the boors
and the surface for the end caps is a right angle to the bore that
surface was fly cut without and change in the set up. |
Te photo shows the two
borse and the facing off all completed. All that remains is to
bring the block to length which will be done in the milling
machine. |
Now the cylinder block
is milled to size. |
23rd March So the cylinder block was coated in marking out blue and the position of the ports marked out and cross hatched so that there should be no mistakes. |
24th March The vice had previously been set square to the travel by using a dro so now we can porceed with the set up ready for cutting. This is my setup for machining the various ports. Note the two machine clamps which are acting as stops at the end of each cut. |
With the plans silent on
the depth I measured the distance from the top to the bore and
then reduced that to 6mm as the cut depth. A stop on the depth was adjusted and also the DRO set to zero. The cuts were made very gentle as the cutter was only 5/23" slot drill. |
25th March Machined the steam inlet ports They may not be perfect but are very close !!! To help me in the future I have bought a DRO from RDG Tools !!! |