Building a Polly VI
locomotive from a kit
A word of warning to buildersIf you are going to run your loco on air you will need to thoroughly oil up all the moving parts. This however will result in loads of oil being splashed about and that which goes onto unpainted parts that you might be thinking about painting later will result in lots and lots of cleaning up and degreasing.So before running on air MAKE SURE ALL PARTS THAT ARE ON THE CHASSIS THAT YOU WISH TO PAINT ARE PAINTED and save yourself hours of work which I had to put in removing unset paint due to oil residue on the surfaces I wrongly thought were clean. |
December 2014 Kit 7 has the following parts Draincocks Operating Rod Reach Rod Cylinder Cladding Blast Pipe Tee Left Hand Steam Pipe Right Hand Steam Pipe Steam Tee Steam Conn. Nuts Blast Nozzle Blast Pipe Nuts Blast Pipe Connectors Draincock Bolt Draincock Lever Latch Reverser Stand Pole Lever Latch Plates Latch Clip Lever Spring Bottom Bolt Various Spacers Rear Bolt |
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4th January 2015 One advantage of having bought kits ahead of when they are required is that when various parts a Kit require painting it is possible to prepare and paint ahead of when they are required to be in stalled, thereby, in this case there should not be a hold up in the goal of running the loco on air on the completion of Kit 7. A club member has loaned me the necessary connector to go between my compressor and the Steam chest in let and I have checked it and it does fit my air compressor line. I have been told that the screw fitting is 5/8" x 26 tpi BSB (British Standard Brass) 5th January 2015 The parts from Kit 7 which need painting were gathered together and cleaned up with white spirit and then given a coat of metal primer. |
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January 2015 Time to start Kit 7. My Kit 7 has the pole reverser. Opposite is the plan but particularly part 34 is not a straight bar but more like a hockey stick with two holes in the end of the curved part and a threaded rod in the other.. The part P1 was also a different shape where the sloping edge the actual part was curved to go round the rear wheel. Sorting out the filing of part P3 was also difficult but I achieved it in the end but also needed to open out drill holes for the two copper rivets. The total time to sort it all out was about 5 hours but a lot of fun. |
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The first thing to sort
out was the locking lever parts P3 and P9. There was a lot of work to do here to make a good fit so do not rush it - it is not a 5 minute job. No mention, I could find, is made of the recess at the rear of the pole for the spring P10. |
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shot is looking down on the reverser. Note that the narrower spacers are between the ratchet plates and the wider ones used as the stand off from the Reverser Plate. |
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Here the reverser is
installed with the Reach Rod. The hole for the fork keeper at the
end of the Reach Rod was too small so it was opened out slightly. So I have now reached the place in the build instruction which has the heading SETTING THE VALVES. Then early in the paragraph is mention of rotating the wheels. Well with all the parts now fitted turning the wheels be simply grabbing hold of the two rear wheels and turning by hand is just not possible for me so an early task for me in the workshop will be to make up an arm which can be used to turn the wheels by bearing on the wheel spokes. |
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Actually I did not have
to make up anything I was able to adapt a large set of angled nose
pliers and put tape over the ends It was amazing how easy it was to turn the wheels with less then 1 foot of leverage. |
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From the picture I hope
you can obtain a good idea as to the size of the long nose angled
pliers. The did the job very well of turning the wheels to set up the valves which was relatively straight forward when I understood the build instructions. |
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8th January 2015 Whilst I had been loaned a suitable connection to the steam inlet by a friend at the Maidstone club I used that as a patten to make my own up as I also wanted to have a regulator in line so that air could be shut off. The photo show my fitting based on the information told to me and ready to apply pressure from my air compressor located in my garage some 20 of more meters away. |
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Whilst I have still not
fitted the drain cocks to make the loco turn over they had to be
temporarily fitted. So a through oil round including oil in the steam chests and then slowly up with the pressure and then suddenly the loco wheels turned round. A quick shut down of pressure to check all was well. Then up with the pressure again and round went the wheels. After about 15 minutes off with the pressure and other oil round and check for any loose parts, there were none and on with the running in. In total the loco ran for about 3 hours and is now much freer than before the running in was started. I was also able to do some fine tuning of the valve settings and the loco now will turn over on a relatively lower air pressure. LINK TO YOUTUBE VIDEO of time lapse of the build so far and First run in air |
![]() The photo was taken at a slow shutter speed and the wheels were NOT RACING ROUND FLAT OUT ! |
January 2015 The fascination of seeing the wheels go round and round has not ceased all day. However the annoying whistle coming from the blast pipe just had to be stopped. Knowing that sharp edges with air passing causes a whistle (remember a strand of grass held tightly together in your hand and then blown though gave a whistle) so I looked for the sharp edge. There is was on the inside of the blast pipe nozzle. A quick run round with some wet and dry took off the sharp corner from manufacture and the whistle stopped. I decided to check the valve settings by removing the steam chest covers and made slight adjustments and the chassis will now run on 15psi and chug away quite merrily Forwards and in Reverse needs just a little more pressure ! Finding the centre neutral notch has been made easier by painting on a white line. |
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So the final items to
fit in Kit 7 is the drain cocks. The parts were painted ahead of
the need to fit. I left these until last as it requires that the loco chassis is turned upside down which requires careful moving as it is now rather heavy ! The photo shows the actuating arm end and the two Left Hand drain Cocks. The botls as the smallest Allen screws I have ever seen and I was lucky to have in my workshop the tiny Allan Key required to turn them. They screw into threaded actuating bar, painted black and then are lock nutted and I also used Thread Lock. |
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This shows the Allen Screw head and it is very tiny but looks the parts. | ![]() |
The build instructions
and the plans are a little short on detail so I hope I have put
the leaver in the right place as the other hole did not look
threaded. This photo may look strange but remember the loco is upside down ! 14th Jan 2015 I decided to move the bolt linking the operating rod to the operating handle round the other way on the drain cocks so that the operating rod was nearer the outside. |
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January 2015 The cylinder cover must now be painted and then lined out. I find that by sand blasting the brass is makes for an excellent key for the etch primer. The cover on the left is as supplied that on the right is sandblasted in the small cabinet sandblaster I have in my workshop. After sand blasting the fine remaining grit needed to be washed off and the the covers allowed to dry naturally. |
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So that now completes Kit 7. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
for Kit 6 Click
for Kit 8 |